29 September, 2016


In this session, subjects that were extremely relevant to the current period of the plastic injection moulding industry were discussed, in which we saw a substantial increase in the dimensions of the moulds, along with the requirement for high-gloss texturizing and polishing finishes. Once again as a result of the long-standing relationship between Ramada Aços and Uddeholm, the session was attended by Anders Ullgren, who, in addition to the contextualisation of sector trends, carried out a detailed analysis of the gains of the Uddeholm steel range, in view of the sector's requirements. Ramada Aços is one of the main players in the supply and heat treatment of special steels in the mould industry, it has accompanied and even broke ground, providing its structure with lifting, cutting, machining and heat treatment capacity (new kilns with a capacity of up to 4,000 Kg - vacuum hardening) for large parts. In this way, and from mid-October, we can say that the sector has the conditions to compete in a new level of projects, with the security that will be supported by Ramada Aços. We would like to thank all those present at this session as well as Cefamol for organizing the event.